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Monday, January 21, 2013

* Snow *

 This was quite the snow! It started on Thursday night, was done by morning and was wet-wet-wet which made it very heavy. Also, there was thunder and lightening! I awoke at 5:20a to no power. So I turned on my battery-operated lantern &  fired up the wood stove (which I've been pretty lazy lax about because it's not been v. cold). And it's easier to twiddle a dial than it is to make fire. Heated my water for tea. Warmed up some yummy, left over sweet potatoes for breakfast.  And waited for the sun to rise:

A bit later:
My back porch.

I thought I heard some noise outside my window Thursday night: 
Bingo surveys the yard.

Tabby Bobcat surveys the snow from the porch. He is NOT a snow bunny!
I was so excited for our first snow together:

Up the driveway.

Under the juniper tree. Or cedar? I love this tree. I should find out what it really is.


Bingo's paw prints in the snow.  :-)

Back down the driveway.

Everything is new with snow!
And down to the lake:


It's hard to see the lake. 

Hugging trees.

Love the light reflected in the trees.

Hard to tell, but Bingo is shaking the snow off!

The trees were DROOPING from the weight of the snow. And what you can imagine now is how crunchy it sounded walking thru it!

Into the yard.

A-Frame House Neighbors. You only see the house in winter.
Bingo frolicking!

Tabby ready to go in!

Poor, confused daffodils. Everything's been budding with the warm weather.
Friday afternoon walk:

I did finally move that branch . . . into the yard.

Paw lift!

I never get tired of it. She's so cute with that paw lift!
Saturday morning:

Bingo's looking at the dog in a back yard across the lake.  

Trotting down the path. 
I don't know what she sees, but look at her head:
All crinkled with alertness. 
I think it may have been the herd of deer that are back there. In any case, she started barking and I'm sure that's not what the neighbors want to hear at 8:30 on a Saturday morning!

Into the back yard. Still alert.

Looking stealthy.

Really, it must be deer!
Aaaaand here's Tabby waiting for us at the door:
Not a fan of snow!

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