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Monday, February 25, 2013

Bingo & The Cat Door

Last week, Brother Atlasta kindly installed a cat door for me. This has been all sorts of amusement this week. Tabby Bobcat is not familiar with this type of door, but Bingo is:

But try as she might, she can't fit thru:

This was just too cute!


So I've been trying to get Tabby Bobcat to use the door:
To him, it seems like a fancy window.

But he's not really all that interested:
Bingo: Here, lemme show you.
Tabby: Meh.                             

On another day, Bingo sits across the threshold of living room & kitchen:
Whatcha lookin' at, Bingo?
Tabby ventures over . . . 

Bingo finds something else more interesting:

Tabby looks out:

I open the door, & he hops out:

I used treats to lure him back:

He thinks I'm just doing that to pet him.
But even tho I keep calling him in . . . 
And because he's a cat, Tabby leaves. 
Bingo left behind:
Well, we'll keep working at it!

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