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Monday, February 18, 2013

Bingo Vizzies

Here's Bingo & Tabby on one our walks:

 And then Bingo sits:

Here she is with the cutie-pie paw lift: 

Whatcha lookin' at Bingo?

You can't see it very well, but over to the middle-leftish of the photo, Farmer Lady is getting her mail from her post box.
 And into the woods we go . . . 

Tabby Bobcat can't be bothered to follow Bingo everywhere.

Saturday was a foggy day:

Cool looking (to ME) spider web!

See all the spider webs?
Here comes Tabby . . .

 And into the back yard:

Paw lift!

Love that glimmer of purple.
 And here comes the vizzie part of the blog post:
Nephew RoRo walking Bingo.

Tabby grooming. Mum will say, "Look how FAT he is!"

Bingo ready for belly rubs . . . 
 from Brother Atlasta:
Installing Tabby's cat door.
 And here's Bingo basking in the sun in the kitchen:


Whatcha lookin' at Bingo?
Don, from Certified Water Treatment.  Nice shot of the floor!
Tabby Bobcat overlooking his domain in my office.  :-)

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