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Monday, June 15, 2015

Doggie Monday

We start this week's Doggie Monday with the cat. Friday night BSOM Friend & I went out to dinner. Indian, if you were wondering. Anyway, as we were headed back home, down the driveway to the house, she says, "Oh, there's Tabby!"  Yup. And then he SITS in front of the car. So I have to go around him.

Every. Single. Time.  *le sigh*
Here he is with his paw curled around his front leg. So CUTE.
 Then he heard me take a photo, but he didn't open his eyes. He just stretched out his paw to say, "Hi."  :-)

Here's Reggie thru the kitchen back door window:
Got the head tilt!

In The Office

Here's Bingo on the T.U. rug:

Reggie, getting a bit more comfortable in the office:

Buddy playing with a tea box:

Look at Reggie smiling at the door:

Buddy turning to Reggie: "MINE."

Sweet girl:

On the back deck, here's Buddy going UNDER Reggie!


Buddy's tail at half-droop:

Stretching out the hip flexors:

Ro popping bubble wrap outside, so Bingo doesn't get scared:
Buddy goes with and decides to do some yoga:
This is his cat pose in Snoopy position.

Smelling something!  Look at that tail!

Bingo in one of her spots on the deck:

Buddy's favourite resting style is AGAINST something; in this case, Bingo.
Back in the office, here's Bingo below me at my chair:

And here's Reggie on the T.U. rug!

In The Living Room
Here's Buddy, sleeping on top of the sofa:

Watching TV with Ro:

Back Outside
Watchya doin' with that branch, Ro?

Buddy is wondering, too:

Ro, taking off his shoes . . .

. . . and picking them up as Buddy comes just to sniff. Smart kid!

Buddy, foiled again!

More yoga:
Sitting Cat Pose.

Another day, snuggling with Buddy:

Here's Bingo:

In The Office
I did a post on wallpapering my office. Here's Tabby in his new spot on the book shelf:

And having a Groom Fest on the meditation chair with Buddy:

His face says it all:


Ready for belly rubs!

Saturday Night
Watching Netflix. Here's Buddy:
Snuggled up. Zzzzzz . . . .
 Sunday Morning
Tabby, sitting like the Sphinx on the arm of the meditation chair:

And this was Buddy ROO-ROOing, wanting to go outside!
Why the colour, you may be asking. The batteries on my fancy-pants
 flash went dead, so his eyes had that green look from the regular flash.
You know the kind. And I couldn't colour-correct it. So I did this.  
HAPPY Monday!!!  :-)

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