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Sunday, July 24, 2016

4-leaf Clover Sheets

You know I have a knack for finding 4-leaf clovers. In a convo with John Morgan I remarked last summer, "I have not found any 4-leaf clovers in the last 6 weeks!"  He replied v. dryly, "You do realize that people go their whole lives not finding any 4-leaf clovers."  REALLY?

And so I created a digital download to sell in my Etsy Shop for people who want their own 4-leaf clovers. This is great for classroom teachers, mixed media artists, scrapbookers, journalers and jewelry artists.

A note about the "Labyrinth Gal" scrawled all over the images: that's to protect the images from being stolen and resold. Labyrinth Gal is not there in the download, just the 4-leaf clovers.  :-)

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