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Saturday, July 23, 2016

One Engagement Ring, Disappointment Not Included

How's that for a 6-word story?  I've had on my endless To Do List to sell my engagement ring. I finally got it appraised and have listed it in my Etsy shop. I priced it a bit below its appraisal along with FREE SHIPPING so it will sell sooner rather than later; altho I know Christmas & Valentine's are the big engagement times. It really is a beautiful ring, but not being a jewelry person anyway, it's kinda wasted sitting in my brother's safe!  Originally I thought I'd turn it into a Claddagh ring. Meh. I'd rather remodel the bathroom. So that is what these funds are slated for.  :-)  Hopefully it will sell before Thanksgiving week, so I can do the remodel then. Fingers crossed!

Here are some some graphics I did:

I googled how to photograph jewelry. One photographer uses hot glue to keep rings sitting up, but I had glue dots. The first photo I took in front of a piece of scrapbook paper. I think that's my favourite. I love Paulo Coehlo and Rumi and those quotes. I saw the last quote on Pinterest and I thought it was sweet. So there it is! (Too many notes--name that movie). My ring for sale.  :-)

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