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Saturday, July 1, 2017

One Book July 2017

I wasn't going to do One Book July this year. I did it for the first time last year with my Tea Time Travlers Notebook, and it really helped me to define what I wanted in a planner and how to create a workable system. So I didn't really think there was anything new I could do!  However, the theme was "Go Big or Go Home" and is up for interpretation.

A coupla weeks ago, I got a Webster's ring bound planner that was damaged; the rings were detached at one end. So I got it for 75% off it's already sale price of $29.99.  WOO and HOO!   So I moved my work planner into the new Websters, after I removed the rings and converted it into a Travelers Notebook.  I really like the pockets in this new planner. It's a bit bulkier than my original TN, but that's OK. I'm really liking it.  So here's a flip thru:

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