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Friday, October 21, 2016

HAPPY Birthday, Bruce!!!

Today we celebrate the celebrating biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton. He is one of the most joyful people you will ever meet. Here's a summary I wrote a few a years ago called Bruce Lipton 101.

Some favourite quotes:

I woke up one morning and decided to live my life in nothing less than joy.

People are beginning to wake up: [they're saying] "I'm not separate from my community. I am my community!"

"Cancer is a lifestyle consequence."

"Change your perception and you change the function of your cells."

"You control the genes by the way you live your life."

"You're not a victim, you're a MASTER of your biology."

"You get sick not from what you caught but from what you already have." (Re: opportunistic microorganisms).

"Your life matches your beliefs."

"Kids learn without you teaching them." (Re: subconscious programming).

"How can you find love if you can't love yourself?"

Here are some of my favourite photos that I've taken over the years:
At the 2012 I Can Do It! Conference
With Chiro-sis Ruthie. :-)
Gregg Braden, Bruce, & Joe Dispenza for the first
time together on stage at the ICPA Conference, 2014.
We were at I Can Do It! Conference in Baltimore in 2014. We were walking up the street and Wayne Dyer was coming toward us. Luckily I had my camera!

With Danni, Anita Moorjani's husband.
Here's the last time I saw Bruce, last November:


I'll leave you with a great summary from Bruce about his work. It's especially relevant now:

HAPPY Birthday, Bruce!!!

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