One day Miss Ruthie was walking out to the barn and saw a sweater lying by a mud puddle. But when she walked over to get it, it wasn't a sweater! It was a newborn lamb. So into the house it came and back and forth to school. The bankteller at the drivethru gave her a dog biscuit when she saw the lamb in the seat next to her. Of course she would think it was a dog. Who would have a lamb in the front seat? Miss Ruthie, of course.
Another time Miss Ruthie received a phone call from a telemarketer. When she replied, "I'm fine today. How are you?" The telemarketer burst into tears and poured out a sad story about an unexpected pregnancy. She had called the right person. Miss Ruthie gave her just the assurance & support she needed, without buying any office supplies.
I've learned so much from Miss Ruthie. I think one of the greatest gifts she has given is KINDNESS:
Kindness even when you don't feel it.
Kindness even when you don't think the other person deserves it.
Kindness when it's not appreciated.
Kindness even when it's mistaken for a lack of intelligence.
Kindness JUST's the right thing to do.
THANK YOU, Miss Ruthie for your kindness and friendship through these years. I LOVE YOU.