Wednesday, July 31, 2013

 I got this flower from church; part of the Grateful, Glad & Giving theme. This month, we're grateful for flowers.

 So I took some pix before it died.

 Different backgrounds:

And then I got company:

End of Flower Pic Fest.  :-)
The earth laughs in flowers. 
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

T-Bob Tuesday

Tabby in the Labyrinth

His favourite spot to hang out; center of the labyrinth.

Whenever I get down to his level, he comes toward me!
Last week:

At his level, here he comes!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Bingo & Tabby

Before Bingo came to me, she was well-acquainted with the workings of a dog door. I know it must be frustrating for her not to be able to fit thru the cat door.
Whatcha lookin' at, Bingo?


This is all going to change as fence-building is in the works!  Yes, we are getting a proper back yard!  So she will be able to frolic sans leash.  We will still take our walks down to the lake, of course. But it will be nice to have here be able to go in & out as she needs. Here's this a.m.'s walkies:
Waiting at the door to go out.

You wouldn't notice these pretty purple flowers til you get a bit closer.

Some sort of knapweed or thistle?

Playing with the settings on my cramra. 
 Aaaaaand back to our walk:
Bingo in the brush.

Tabby in a dirt-spot having a Groom Fest. As you do. 
To the back yard.

Tabby joins us. With a loud Mm-OW.

Down the path.

To the lake.


There was a bird singing so beautifully--sorry no pic. And the frogs go glug-glug. Quite the morning concert!

Back up the trail. 

And back inside:
Tabby at my feet.

Ready for her morning snooze.  :-)