LOVE this from Kyle Cease!
"It's so soft . . . and less liddy."
"It's easier done, than said." That would make a good bumper sticker / T-shirt / coffee mug!
I think he could do a follow-up mockumentary, possibly with JP Sears. "Do you suffer from Lid Temple Syndrome?" with a shot of people in ordinary life with lids on their heads.
"Symptoms of LTS include: limiting beliefs, self-doubt, low self-esteem, fatigue, binge-watching shows you don't even like."
Kyle: "I have a dream that one day, people will walk around without lids on their temples."
And then some naysayer in a white coat saying, "This needs PEER-REVIEWED research before you irresponsibly tell people they can perform a lid-ectomy without a B.C.L.T.S. (Board Certified Lid Temple Specialist).
"Ask your doctor . . . ."
In the meantime, I did a Rumi graphic:
Just because most people have lid temple doesn't make it normal. It just makes it common. Of course, that's just crazy talk, because there's no such thing as Lid Temple.