Monday, April 25, 2011

M&M Monday

On Thursday, I gathered dandelion flowers to make dandelion wine, inspired by Susun Weed.

Maggie settles in to watch me pluck flowers.

Millie watches from the porch.

All finished. The girls hang out on the porch. Look how GREEN it is, now!
'member last week's opossum? 

The rascal. For as slow as s/he is, this was the best photo I could get as s/he creeeeeeeped away.
I was unpacking the girls bag that I take for their Mystic Pet vizzies, & Gareth had packed a couple pig ear chews in for the girls. Maggie woofed hers down and Millie savored hers:

So then Maggie sidles up next to Millie's food bowl. Now, she won't eat out of a metal bowl if I'm feeding her. She gets paper. But somehow she ignores that detail when it comes to taunting her sister.

Millie says, "Whaaaa?"


Millie: "Meh. I still have a pig ear!"  Maggie: Nom nom nom.
I moved the orthopedic beds to take up the whole floor so that Millie won't slip off onto the slippery floor part. She did that last week and it took quite a bit of maneuvering to get her back onto carpet.

All stretched out.
Except. This morning I awoke to Millie grumbling . . . 

. . . wedged into the corner.
So Maggie went outside:

*sniff*   *sniff*

Heading back . . .


Foggy spring day. BEAUTY-FUL.
It's 10 a.m. Millie JUST managed to wiggle her way out of bed!  HAPPY Monday!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

M&M Monday

When there's no food or water involved, Maggie is very sweet with Tabby. Tabby jumps up on the bench and purrs & rubs up against the dogs.

The girls have been all excited to sniff around the back porch. I went out one night and Tabby was mow-ing louder and more than usual. There was an opossum in her cat house. So the next day when the dogs came out, they were sniffing all around.



*sniff*  (That's Millie).
Speaking of Millie, she managed to slide onto the slippery part of the floor, under the side table. 


"You could put down that camera & help me out of here." (I did, of course).
We've had a tremendous amount of rain, so here's our policy:

You may notice Tabby's paw off to the left, doing just that.  ;-)

Monday, April 11, 2011

M&M Monday

Last Monday I woke to a bit of excitement--or I should say, inconvenience. I turned the tap on, and . . . no water. So an electrician came to inspect the well and found that lightning had struck the well cap & blown out the well pump. He was scheduled to come back on Tuesday, but it RAINED, so we had to wait til a sunnier day on Wednesday. So yes, for those doing no-water-math, that was three days! But having gone without water AND electricity for FIVE days last year during a blizzard, this wasn't that bad. And Fisherman Willie brought over a 5-gallon jug of water with a hand pump, so we had drinking water. The only thing was that I wash my hands a lot during the course of the day, especially after petting the dogs, so that was a bit of a challenge. Glad I didn't have any out-of-the-ordinary clean-ups!

Maggie hanging out at the electrician's truck.

Maggie looks up at the electricians on the hill.

Awwww. Big points for being dog-friendly.  :-)

Back up the ramp.

Watching the guys from her domain.
Another day, another hanging out by the forsythia:

Sweet Maggie.
And here's Millie on the porch:

with Tabby Bobcat.

Yoohoo, Mil! 

Here's Millie by the forsythia:


Up the ramp.

And this is what happens, whoever comes in the house first:

Maggie plants herself in the entrance. By Millie's food bowl.

Millie sits and bides her time.  Eventually she advances forward with a Grrrr. Then I take the food bowl away, and she wags her tail and walks by Maggie. Or vice-versa, if it's Millie sitting there and Maggie comes in last. It's the game they play. Silly girls.  :-)

Monday, April 4, 2011

M&M Monday

 I'm getting the Tabby Bobcat pic out of the way first!
Maggie learns to share her bed.
Shhhhhh . . . .

Millie's sleeeeeeeping.

Zzzzzz . . . .spilling off her bed.
Here's Millie using the bed as a pillow.

Sunday Morning Light

In the office

Zzzzzzz . . . .