Monday, May 30, 2011

M&M Monday

Last Monday, I went down to Richmond to do some more house hunting. The girls know we're going to Mystic Pet as soon as I wheel my suitcase out the door. I shut the door so that they wouldn't come out before I could move the car to get them loaded. And so they sat by the door:

Millie waits against the door.

Maggie stands beside her, waiting to come out.

Car is backed up against the hill, ready for them to load up.

Maggie gets in first, Millie follows.

Heading down the road. 7 miles of dirt 'n' gravel.
And then I was in Richmond, bought a house, and came back.

Lena brings the girls out to the car.
We get back home . . .

Tabby Bobcat says hello Maggie. The camera didn't capture them touching noses. So cute!

Come on, girls! Time to get out.
It took 15 minutes to coax them out. You can't be in a hurry with these two!
 Here are a few pix from Saturday--Gorgeous & green:

Maggie trots out to the woodshed.

Tabby chillaxin'




Maggie heads back up the ramp, Millie hanging out.

"It's good to be me."

"What's that?"  Could be a train, a canoe on the river, a car, a deer, etc.



Zzzzzz . . . .
Meanwhile, back on the porch . . . 

Maggie & Tabby
 Maggie has a hot spot on her foot that she has periodically been licking. I'm trying apple cider vinegar (1/2 ACV, 1/2 water) & dabbing it on the spot. Will let you know how it works. Also, she positions herself under my feet to get rubbed and yesterday she maneuvered her ear onto my toe. This is how I discovered she has ear mites--with a waxy, tarry build up. So I gloved up and got some olive oil and cleaned out her ears (Millie's, too). I read somewhere that olive oil is soothing and also smothers the mites. Today I did another application but used chickweed oil to help with the itching part. You just gather the chickweed, chop it up, & saute it in olive oil & let it cool. I put it in a container & put it in the fridge, so it becomes more of an ointment. According to herbalist Susun Weed, you can make chickweed pesto. I've not had it, but I'm sure it's yummy. Chickweed is really good on bug bites, or itchy things.Once, my dog Barkley got poison ivy on her belly (her fur wasn't as thick as M&M's & she had very little on her tummy). I crushed up some chickweed & rubbed it on her and  the rash cleared up. Internally, chickweed is a remedy for constipation, so you don't want to eat too much--altho, I'm not sure what constitutes as "too much." I guess you would find out soon enough!

I've been also sprinkling powdered nettle on the dog's food along with their salmon oil, to help with any allergy stuff. Here's more info on nettle. So the girls are doing well; enjoying porch days and grassy days and essentially, just being dogs.  :-)

Friday, May 27, 2011

My New Home

I've been looking for a new home closer to Chiro-sister & Brother Atlasta for a while now. I've been limited in the location (within 15 minutes of Brother Atlasta) & my price-range. I was a bit discouraged when I went house-hunting a coupla weeks ago; nothing really seemed to be my house. There were a couple I could have made work, but nothing where I felt like I wanted to settle into for at least a decade. Apparently my house hadn't come onto the market, yet. But it just did & I knew when I saw it: This is IT.

At the driveway: Dobson Frog!

Down the driveway to the house, well off the main road.
LOVE the front porch! Isn't it a happy house?

View to the side where I'll put the dog ramp, and beyond that, the labyrinth in the yard.

Another frog by the front porch.  :-)
View off the front porch, toward the driveway.

Back porch!

Back yard. You can't see it now, but there's a lake thru the trees.
Another view of the back yard. See the bear? Kidding. It's a charred stump.

I have a lot of my favourite trees; red bud, tulip polar . . . .
 And then!
I found a 4-leaf clover!
As I was waiting for Janet, my real estate friend to get there, I thought I'd walk back up the driveway & see if I could find a heart rock . . .
No luck with a heart ROCK, but here's mulch in the shape of a heart. :-)
 Janet pulled up to the house, rolled down her window & said, "This is it!" I said, "I know!" 
So then we went inside . . .

Wood stove!!!  :-)

Living room, looking toward front door. On the other side of the couch is a dog crate with the sweetest little chiwow-wow/Jack Russel mix. Such a cutie!

The kitchen has an entrance on either side of this divider wall, with the TV.
And . . .
Here's the AWESOME kitchen! 
Everything is move-in ready & the space is perfect! All I need to do is put up a clothesline in the backyard and order a cord of wood...but lots to do in the next coupla months before the big move! But I'm over the moon, and beyond excited!  YAY, me!

Monday, May 23, 2011

M&M Monday

Yesterday was a GORGEOUS spring day. Millie wanted to go out and she stayed out for a bit of the afternoon.


Whatchya lookin' at, Mil? 

Later, after Millie was back in, Maggie wanted to go out. She heads down the ramp, but Tabby Bobcat stops in front of her and SITS. So Maggie stands waiting . . .

Whatchya lookin' at, Mil?
I followed Millie's line of sight and there was a dead s-q-u-i-r-r-e-l  just under the front of my car. I went and put on a rubber glove and picked it up and chucked it into the woods. It looked like there were a couple bite wounds, so I don't know if it was Millie, or not. Poor thing. There are just some things I'm not taking a picture of! Temple Grandin talks about how all dogs have the kill instinct where they shake an animal like a squirrel or ground hog.  Anyway, back to Maggie . . .
Maggie heads back up the ramp . . .

. . . so of course, Millie makes herself comfortable at the top of the ramp.

Millie pretends not to notice Maggie . . .

It seems we're at an impasse.


Thursday, May 19, 2011


I was out with Brother Atlasta & my SIL called him. He said, "OK, before we go home, we have to stop at the grocery store." So we go into the store, and this is what he gets:

Ice cream & wine. The important stuff you'd get if a big snowstorm were coming.
Also at the grocery store:

These came in 2 sizes; 9 inches & 14 inches.
The next day I went shopping with chiro-sister:

Nothing screams "coaster," like carpet.
Of course, whether it's a coaster or carpet, it all ends up in baby's mouth!

Hey!  Gimme that!

"Comfort width? WTF?" said Chiro-sis.

Chiro-sis & baby demonstrate "Comfort Width."

This pic is on the side of a shelf of bread & bagels. I  call her the Gluten Chipmunk.

Because tractors are a main consideration when choosing hats, lawn equipment, & SNACKS.

Ugh. This goes with the dusty 2-hour shoes in my closet.

Relaxed 'n' Groovy Buddha.
aaaaaand back in the parking lot:

This guy's a 7.   Hahahahaha