My sister saw a bird watching book that I got with puffins on the cover and she squealed. "Ooooh! Puffins!" So I decided I would make her a new planner with it. Everyone in my family has coasters featuring the artwork of
Emma Ball, that have been gifted after trips to Orkney. I wanted to use her artwork in Ruth's planner, but I didn't feel right about about using it, even for personal use. But I wanted watercolour puffins.
So I went on
Pixabay for free graphics, and found one non-photographic graphic, but the rest were all photographs. And then I started thinking that there had to be an app for turning photos into a watercolour painting. So I looked on the google, and found
- Only $4.99
- Easy to use; point and click
- Has different variations and choices
- No choice in where to save; it just saves automatically to your Photos folder. However, you can copy and save to a different folder, so that's what I do. It took me a while to figure that out, tho. So, you're welcome.
- Not the best with people, unless it's a close-up.
Here are a few I've done. First up! Puffins!
This was the illustration on Pixabay:
But then I thought I'd see what would happen if I Waterlogued it:
Bird illustration:
Aaaaand Waterlogued:
Of course I had to play with some dogs!
Here's Bingo:
Bingo doing Sphinx Pose. |
Baby & Bingo:
Here are a couple different treatments for the same photo:
Buddy on my lap:
Baby on my lap:
Baby & Buddy:
Bingo and Reggie, pre-beagles; taken with iPad:
Hannah Banana:
This one is stunning!
Here's Tabby Bobcat:
There are several choices within the program with names like "Natural," "Bold," and "Illustration."
Here's Reggie with 3 different options:
Bold. |
Natural. |
Illustration. It adds lines. |
Here's a random cow I took a pic of back in my River House days:
And some Nature pix of my old road:
And some city pix:
This is the altar at my church:
Here's a photo I took when I first started going to St. Luke's. This couple walked in and went to a front pew and knelt down together. I just thought it was so sweet and happened to have my camera, so I snapped a quick pic.
As it turns out, I became friends with them. This is Mary and Larry; Mary is in the Knitting Guild and a dear friend. Larry was a state trooper for many years and, sadly, just recently passed away.
Here are 3 treatments of the same photo. I've forgotten the names, but here you go!
These are from the Juniper tree and Autumn pix I just posted:
Tulip polar tree with 2 different variations:
"Vibrant." |
"Natural." |
The program does better with close-ups. Here's my nephew:
Vibrant. |
"Natural." |
"Luminous." (I think)! |
Here's where it doesn't do such a great job. Here's Mum watching an episode of Hoarders:
Here's how it turns out:
This is the "Illustrator" variation:
Color Bloom:
After all this, I decided to take a photo thru all the variations! So here you go:
(Apologies for smaller size, this is as large I can get it).
Here they are without labels. Feel free to use for personal or commercial:
And I'll leave you with a sunset, Cape Charles beach pic: