I got my Honda Pilot on December 19, 2003. I know this because I looked at the paperwork as I was cleaning out the glove box. It was my most-favourite-car-ever and came with GPS, built in to the console. And I could have either XM Radio OR GPS, but Honda wouldn't let me have both. 5 days after buying it, I drove to NYC with my friend Dee for a Resonance Repatterning seminar. The GPS took us right down Broadway on a Friday night at midnight. Dee was oohing & ahhing and said, "Oh myyyyy. Look over yonder!" We had so much fun, and have had many road trips over the years.
"What in the world is SEMI parking? Is that half-way parking? Partly parking?" So I took Dee's photo with the sign in the background. |
Dee knows quite a bit about cars. Here she is in Indiana, checking my tire pressure. |
"Dee, go stand in front of the scenery so I can take your picture." :-) |
I have had all my dogs in the back of this car. Barkley and Remi back and forth to the Bay House. There was a ramp that went around from I-70 onto I-81, and whenever I went around that loop, Remi would rouse from his sleep in the back and make a groaning sound. I used to call it Remi's turn. I hear him in my head whenever I go around a loop like that.
Neither Barkley or Remi would jump into the car. And they wouldn't use the fancy ramp I got. I got some steps that they use on horse farms, and that's how I got Remi & Barkley into the car.
Back yard at the bay. |
Barkley on the pier. |
Remi at sunrise. :-) |
The River House
I moved to the River House with Barkley & Remi, Memorial Day weekend of 2007:
And thus began many trips up and down a 7+ mile dirt & gravel road:
After a long rain. |
Foggy day.
Walking to the post box. |
My driveway. One of several floods. |
The Goo Goo Dolls were my soundtrack down this road. |
I've had so many good memories with this car. Road trips, and loading all my dogs into the back. Trips to the beach and seminars. 181, 000 miles! And anything I ever had wrong with it: shorted-out back lights, replacing all the rotors--the conversation always began, "Do you live on a dirt road?"
Why do you ask? |
I did this fancy frame around the photo for Mum for one of my River House posts. This is the only time I purposely took a picture of the car! |
Maggie & Millie
Picking up Maggie & Millie from Mari. |
I had special system for getting Maggie & Millie into the car:
Car backed up against a hill so they could walk straight into the car. |
A bit of a longer walk for them, but not such a steep incline to walk down. |
Hullo. |
Millie hanging out:
Fisherman Willie. |
Hullo. Look! You can see Millie wagging her tail on the right! |
And then THIS:
Millie was after something under the car, in the tire wheel or SOMEthing. COVERED in river road dirt! |
Look at that happy face! |
Maggie wasn't as interested & came up the ramp to leave Millie behind. |
Speaking of the ramp:
Millie leading the way. |
Maggie. See the perma-dust on the car? |
See the bears? Kidding. It's Maggie & Millie in the woods.
March 30th snow! View out kitchen window. Wish I'd turned those lights off!
Summertime view out kitchen window. That grey blurry thing in the window is a hummingbird. I managed to cup it in my hand and it went completely still. Then I opened my hand when I got outside, and it flew off! |
Last Time Down the Road
I went back to the River House a couple times after moving to Lake House. The last time was with Chiro-Sis to dismantle the labyrinth and transport as many rocks as I could:
I really LOVED this car. It was great for hauling things. You know. Like rocks. |
Last time up this hill. It doesn't LOOK that steep, but coming down on a sheet of ice Christmas of 2009, I really thought I was going to slide over the mountain side or into the river. Yikes! |
Here's a shot of it looking DOWN the hill. I know--not terribly formidable-looking. Just take my word for it: YIKES! |
At The Lake House
Maggie on the front porch. |
Hullo. |
My sweet Maggie. Look at those eye dots. :-) |
Vizzie from the missionaries; Elder Huntzinger with T-Bob. |
Front porch with Maggie, Chiro-sis, RoRo & Tabby. |
Maggie watching Lawnmower Paul weedwacking. |
Bingo & Reggie
And then came Bingo. I don't have any pics of Bingo in the car. She was the first dog I've had who just jumped into the car without any kind of coaxing! She LOVES riding in the car. She knows when I grab the leash with my purse, that we're going for a ride.
No picture of her in the car, but I can't leave her out, can I?! Look at that face. |
And here's Reggie:
He's another one who just leaps into the car! This is on our ride home after I picked him up. |
Zzzzz . . . . |
And so now, here is my new car:
Another Honda; a CRV. It has a 6-CD player so I can load ALL my favourite Goo Goo Dolls CDs. Woo-hoo! Here's to another 181,000+ miles! |
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