John Morgan got me a Moleskine Snoopy journal for my birthday. He's a fan of Moleskine, and up until I received my journal, I'd been calling them MoleSKIN journals. I thought I'd return the favor of giving him his own Snoopy Moleskine, but then I saw a Pinterest post about Moleskine photo journals. Moleskine has a whole bunch of choices for photo journals, but I got the one that was comparable in size to mine, 5" X 8" and it has 96 pages.
The design process was fairly easy with just a few layout choices. There was no option to have 3, 4 or 8 photos on the same page. Also, no option to customize how many photos you wanted or to do a collage or to customize the size of your photos. I didn't do much writing, mostly photos. But there didn't seem to be many font options, either. I did like that you could design a photo to take up the whole page. There was an option to have a page full of dots for writing, but not lines. Personally, I'm not a lines kinda gal, but my Snoopy Moleskine has lines, as do other Moleskines. It just seems odd that it wouldn't be an option when it's such a standard choice in Moleskines. Other than that, it was easy to do the layout. Also, unlike other books I've done, the paper wasn't glossy, so it's much more conducive to writing.
I've created photo books on Blurb and with Picaboo (my favourite). With Picaboo, when you order, the cover of your book shows up. Easy-peasy; there's no doubt what you're ordering. When I ordered the Moleskine, just the blank book showed up. "That can't be right," I thought. I tried again. Again, a blank book popped up. I kept trying, each time getting more panicky. So I emailed an S.O.S. to customer service and got a very quick reply back.
The book icons you see in your BASKET are intentionally blank on the covers.
This is the default icon; it doesn't reflect what's on the cover of the books you're purchasing.
Why? WHY would you do this?!!! And if you're going to do this, why wouldn't you say something to let people know? Surely I can't be the only person to find this confusing? In between designing the book and ordering the book, I spent a frantic, spazzy hour and a half trying to get it sorted. It was coming from New Zealand, so I needed to get it ordered to get it on time. Other than that, I have to say that my experience was good. And next time I'll know. Also, they said it would arrive by April 6th. It arrived March 16th! Here are a few pix of the inside:
The quality of the book is exceptional. The photos looks awesome and the paper is thick and will be easy to write on. The rounded corners add a finished quality. I would absolutely make another one of these! This is an awesome gift for someone who writes. You could even just do a straight photo book. So, minus my spazzy-panicking, the final product was totally worth it!

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