Monday, January 30, 2012

Maggie on Monday Evening

Sorry this is a late post. A few pix from the week:

Maggie sniffing toward Neighbor Thomas's.

But then she nestles in. She's a nestler.

Another day exploring the yard.

With Tabby Bobcat walking along.

They have such a funny relationship. Maggie barks to let me know when Tabby wants to come into the house. She barks at Tabby to let her know she's going outside and I guess is giving her a polite, invitational bark to join her.
This past Thursday, we went for a visit to the vet & had to get a urine sample. How many dog owners and parents, for that matter, have spent hours praying for bodily functions to happen? Pleeeeeeeeease, for the love of all that is holy, just peeeeeeeeeeee! 
Maggie on her way back from a successful backyard trip.
So. This is the hard part to write, altho, not a surprise to anyone, I'm sure. Maggie doesn't have much longer with me. She's been steadily losing weight and is having kidney dysfunction and Dr. Morgan says she has a couple months. She's still her cheerful, waggy self and always by my side. Dr. Morgan showed me how to administer subcutaneous fluids, so we're doing that every other day. The first time I tried, I stabbed myself with the needle, of course.

I'm feeding her whatever she'll eat. Today she sniffed out a treat from the PetMeds box & even tho it was grain-based, prolly gluten, I let her eat it. She doesn't seem any worse for it. As long as she's not in pain, we'll take it day by day.

Every day seems a bit more precious . . .

Sunday morning on the front porch.


Whatcha lookin' at Mag?

Tabby in stealth mode, readying for a squirrel attack. (Unsuccessful. This time. Prolly wasn't hungry).

And then she comes back . . . 

And Maggie suns herself on the porch.

And Tabby dozes on the ramp.
And it's a beautiful day.

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Birthday

This giant box arrived from Amazon & the gift card was a clue:

I had a gluten free sandwich the other day. I don't know what gluten is, but apparently it's delicious.  So the gift bag sat in the living room for a week and then I finally got to open it. A bread machine! WOO-HOO!!!
From Mum: "BNO" = Blessing Number One, first born.  Doesn't everyone have to share their birthday with a famous dead composer? No? Just me, then? Too many notes.  

Card from Mum.
Here's the haiku from the Haikubes she got me:
Return fortune peace
Lofty wicked finger hump
Violet precious ground

Maybe I didn't do that right.  Moving on to more cards . . .

My favourite!  Dr. Seuss!  From John.

My v. first card from Joy.  :-)

This. This made me LOL.  *snort*

From my dear friend, Robbie.  

From me. Just in case no one got me this. Which no one did. So I'm glad I got it!

Birthday dinner at Brother Atlasta's. Making easy-lazy trifle which he fancied up.  Gluteny pound cake from Food Lion, cut in half.  Cover with strawberries, then Byrd's PROPER custard. Then whipped cream. Catholic Jesus & Mary candles fit perfectly in the middle. I got the cake for everyone else. I had ice cream.  :-) 
Last year it snowed on my birthday. When I was at my niece's b-day dinner, Brother Atlasta asked what I wanted for my b-day dinner. OMG!  I get to see my family on my b-day! And be with people. Ha!

Make a wish. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Maggie on Monday

Lena at Mystic Pet turned me on to Natural Instinct, raw dog food. It comes in cubes or patties. Maggie LOVES it! Except that I'm spending more on her food than mine--haha. So then I started googling how to do home made raw food. Apparently tripe is good to add. I had to google tripe.* Anyway, I've been thinking about it ever since my Aussie friends said they feed their dogs raw turkey necks. They said dogs live 17-24 years over there. So I'm on the lookout for a butcher shop where I can get chicken backs, necks, tripe, organ meats, etc. Yum. In the meantime, she's eating hamburger this week.

Licking her plate clean.

All done.

Here she is in the office:

Tabby Bobcat in the doorway. What an expression on her face!

Maggie eyes Tabby. 

Love this photo! 

Tabby saunters out of the room.
This happens every once in a while. I let Maggie out and then putzy in the kitchen. I look out the front door periodically to check on her. She's usually on the front porch by the ramp or at the bottom of the ramp. Unless she's not. And then I panic.

Waaaaaah!  Where is she????

In another favourite spot!

Near the rose bush.  :-) All is well.
*this is also radio speak for blaaathering at the beginning of an intro. (Source: John Morgan, of "Morgan in the Morning" fame)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

HAPPY Birthday, Joy!

Joy's book
It is my dear friend Joy's birthday today. She is artist, writer, shaman. She has one foot firmly planted on the Earth, and one on the side of Spirit. Last weekend we were at a Spirit School gathering and in a small group. There was a woman there who, for lack of a better description, was depressed; slumpy with a glaze to her eyes. As we were going around the circle, Joy spoke and said something like: 

When you are in a place of despair, trying to go to a place of joy seems impossible. So don't try. "Just ask yourself, What is the thing right above this feeling that I can go to? And just take that step. And then keep working your way step-by-step.

As Joy began talking, I looked over at Depressed Woman and I could see her physiology shifting. She sat up and paid attention. And she began to smile and get some life in her eyes. I said to Joy after the gathering, "That was quite the message you got," and she said, "Yeah, I knew someone needed to hear that." Yes, she did!

Joy is currently doing a message-a-day on her blog. Perhaps it's a message for you.



Monday, January 16, 2012

Maggie on Monday

Laundry Day:

Aaaaand Maggie is sitting on her bed with out the cover.  This is her spot, under the table when I'm doing anything in the kitchen. Her eating spot is on the blue rug, and she will go sit there when she's hungry. She's got me trained!

We've had some REALLY cold days! But she still comes to sit out on the porch.

Such a sweet face.  :-)

Looking over at Neighbor Thomas's house where Roxi Rottweiler & Lucky Jack Russel live.

Paws draped over. 
You may recall we had a vizzie from a coupla Mormon lads on their mission. They came back, only this time it was FREEZING. We chatted for a bit, I invited them in to the warm living room, but they weren't permitted to with just a single gal. So, I gave Elder LeSueur a hat & scarf to keep warm:

Flowers & sparkles--but warm!  Both boys said when Maggie came trotting over to say hullo, "Oh, Maggie!  You're still alive!"  hahahaha  Yup. Doing quite well, thank you. 
Maggie this morning:

She did a long walk in the yard this a.m. 

Heading back . . . 

. . . but not yet!

So I went inside to get her breakfast.


Ready for breakfast!